Monday, January 23, 2006

Election Night

It's 8:30 amd I'm sitting here like a huge number of other Canadians and so far its playing out the same as last election, and I'm hopeing to God it turns out different than last time.

Well its 10:30 they are saying conservative minority, and the cons have won my riding, however I'd of hate to have seen if the libs ran a good campaign, we have alot to learn in this province of Ontario, and maybe times to come will teach them?

The libs should be reeling in the dirt, god what have we become.

Parliament is going to be very interesting, I wonder if anything conservative will even pass?

Oh well.... we will see.

Update: You people that voted liberal, just remember how much fortitude it takes to justify voting for the crooks when more dirt is unearthed once parliament is in session again. I have not one ounce of respect for any liberal (STUPID and UNPRINCIPLED) its a wonder liberals don't crawl.

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