Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Just another disgrace when it comes to hard work and honesty

If you own land, run a business , or expect to earn an honest living minding your own matters, while being responsible for yourself and your family. Make sure you don't live near a reserve.

Now before I go on I have the upmost respect for anyone of any color that works for a living, pays taxes, or those that don't but live with who they are within the circumstances they find themselves with honorable intentions that don't chant"I AM A VICTIM" anytime they see a chance.

Hearing and reading about what is transpiring in Caledonia my blood gets to boiling.

Nice to see a Mayor call a spade a spade when she said the local businesses of Caledonia where hurting,and they didn't have the benefit of an automatic paycheck. Feathers of course got ruffled; the truth does hurt.

Why do we let natives hold us hostage? Do they not possess brains, two hands, and feet like the rest of humanity? Why do liberals only recognize tradition when it comes to the color of someones skin as long as it isn't white? Isn't respect earned, and when was the last time you seen a native, someone on welfare, a stoned bum, or for that matter a politician earn it?

Something all the above have in common is their perception that they are entitled to respect they never earned in the first place. Maybe at one point in time, but I fail to see how residents of Canada, Ontario, least of all Caledonia even owe certain natives "the time of day" when they seem to have forgotten how to look for themselves. I don't blame anyone being pissed about that fact one bit.

"Luckily" we have McGuinty,tazers and pepper spray. Which by the way now are useless as the police said they will not raid the occupants camp again after a previous raid failed, and politicians of the liberal socialist variety feigned horror at the fact violence reared its ugly head and their backbones reverted back to jelly , how nice and touching.

I know how self reliant tax paying residents feel, I lived near Ipperwash and witnessed the total insanity of political correctness, and how the guilty cower behind its perception by those too weak to set the truth free.

Taxpayers and the truth carry the burdon natives have forgotten for its easier to be a pain use your color or your blood line to gain favor, of course it easier to take the time to be a pain when you know a cheques coming that isn't dependent, on your job performance, character, hours worked or personal worth to those that pay you.

The incidents like those at Ipperwash, Oka, and now Caledonia when the victims , those victims of their own stupidity and slothfulness are being the pain and holding communities, land owners, and buisnesses hostage.While government diddy daddles with sugar coated nicety, so natives can find or be handed their worth from somebody other than themselves.While others that know their worth no matter their color, or race while working to forge their own place and worth .Even while living with the setbacks and dishonesty ripe in todays world, and they themselves fall victim to their own stupidity also. The difference being they have learned from their mistakes and even then many never get the respect they have earned by being stand up individuals in this country while moving on productively with a smile on their face , instead of becoming the dead weight many native protesters like to be, while receiving our tax dollars.

Its time to say sorry for your luck, heres your kick at self government, our laws are your laws when it comes to buisness administration, taxes, paying for your legal fees etc etc....... their isn't much room for negotiation but heres the kick at the can you want, just like "everyone else" (mostly everybody) otherwise live with your selfish stupidity, like its nature intends.

All you have to do is try and quit expecting something from the rest of Canada the war of 1812 was long ago, and our veterans that fought in WW 2 get sold short so quit whining start making the change into a nation the earns respect, not searching for it like a whining pup searching for a teat.

I don't owe you anything, my children certainly don't, nor do my neighbours, only the respect you have HONESTLY EARNED no matter your creed, color or religion.

Oh and only the guilty need feel offended.

Update : One could only" hope
" (the perception of the indian problem is false though)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Liberal Repellant

Surfin the net today I think I stumbled on a stop gap measure to get a liberal out of your face: The Moon!

It seems the moon smells like......GUNPOWDER !!

Yes ....that is if the dust from it can be mined, mixed with skunk piss and made to be sprayed like bear repellant.

What a perfect ingredient for a liberal repellant, even if it didn't work it would make a great gag gift, remember those pet rocks?

I know you could also just use the truth, good news about Iraq , a picture of a clubbed seal, or all the bad points about Kyoto, you know the usual but just like swatting a mosquito(that can't stand the sight of blood), it gets laborious after awhile.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

It seems the truth can be clubbed just like a seal

This past Friday while waiting for dump trucks to arrive at the job site, I had the chance to listen to Focus 980 a local call in show hosted by a conservative I usually agree with.
He was having Cathy Kangas as a guest. She was offering the Canadian government 16 million dollars to end the seal hunt.

Mr Wilson the host of the show seem to grow of the opinion Mrs. Kangas wasn’t out to lunch as others at PETA and like organizations usually are. However it didn’t take much time for the listener to hear Kangis and summize though articulate and coming from a different direction she, under the surface differs very little from McCartney and company.

After hearing Kangas not far in, state that there where two victims when it came to the seal hunt one being the fisherman, the other being the seals. That statement in itself is red flag number one. As soon as you hear a person use victim whether its about an animal ,welfare recipient , or a young man turning to crime you know logic is suddenly suspect, and their view that honest human beings that exist amidst certain responsibilities and natural rules are close minded, barbaric, and rather stupid. It also was easy to hear her half hearted but calculated support for the fisherman, who she said where supporting of her offer, something not surprising really as even the best of us will sell out our principles.

True to the left leaning form of your generic animal rights activist she mentioned making the seal hunters park rangers who would inoculate the seals rendering them sterile, however she also mentioned the danger involved in clubbing seals. I guess she fails to see the danger in walking over the same ice floes to inoculate them as clubbing them. Plus a club is not as sharp as a needle.

If anything Kangas was skilled in her ability of deception, and playing both sides of the fence ; a liberal strong point.

Many questioned her views , though praised her persona on the show however she was a snake oil salesmen and a good one at that, she didn’t mention that the 16 million dollars was coming from private donations, and other animal rights activist groups, she seemed content to let it stand that the money was hers? She also seemed to like the fact that the host John Wilson was referring to her point of view as being different and unemotional compared to others that have spoken out against the seal hunt.

I contended that she was good at hiding that emotion, I’m sure she harbours those emotions but knew as the left goes that their hair brained ideals when it comes to the way things are in our natural kingdom usually leads many to view animals rights activists as nuts..... rightly so.

Having heard enough I called in, wishing Kangas no ill will I called her on her bluff , and stated I see no difference between her and McCartney or any other A.R.A other than a good chunk of change, Mr Wilson disagreed with me, however there are realities we all must face in this world and those are if you live something living must die so you do so. You cannot remove yourself from that fact(without dying) , we all kill something to survive though maybe indirectly.

The final nail that signalled to me Kangas was a fraud when it came to objectivity, and a reasonable view on human existence amongst the animal kingdom came when she referred to my call as moot when it came to the right and wrong of killing animals. Her moral relativity , and lack of respect for a wrong and a right leaves me wondering how she than can be for or against the seal hunt when she cannot have the courage to believe in right and wrong when it comes to something she believes in. I asked if she was a member of PETA? She replied “no”, however on getting home from work and doing a search I found she was a member of The Sea Shepards " Certainly she wasn't totally dishonest nor was she totally truthfull she knew what I was digging for it was what she was hiding ; her resemblance in ideals to thiswoman and these organizations and their inability to stand anything they find unpleasent to their sensibilities and their inability to admit that they to are just as much a killer as Joe Blow hunter and trapper, and the only way we stop taking from this planet is when we cease to exsist. Hunters and trappers and those that take reality for what it is, accept that fact nor do they see value in an living organisims extinction no matter how cute it is.

Kangas and company, Paul included are not able to handle that fact and animals will always come before people, and truth and logic. I wonder what their views are when it comes to their lives and livelyhoods.

Cathy you don't fool me.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Don't you just love the smell of a revolution in the morning ?

Well here is one group of farmer’s that where not sitting in the local coffee shop “bitching”, and doing nothing but watching things stay the same. One has to respect the backbone of the farmer in question and his neighbours that walked a dangerous line against the police and bureaucrats’. One also has to wonder at the motives of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and the egg producers’ board had in raiding his farm, but wouldn’t you think they would have known a visit from the Lanark Landowners Association was a likely event?

I almost think the powers that be namely Mcgiveme would love for the L.L.A to go pound salt and disappear,and one wonders if he isn't testing the rural resolve or trying to break it? Like I have said before governments like his fear citizens like Shawn Carmichael and Mr Hiller, who love the taste freedom can give a person but would like a good feed of it, and realise governments love just giving you little spoonfuls even though it is not theirs to give in the first place.

They demanded respect and I think quite rightly said with their actions“ WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE” maybe its time other farmers in Ontario quit riding on these kind of honourable actions, quit bitching and do something about it.

Farmers better wake up take heed, even grab a pitchfork and demand some freedom. All rural people not just the people that reside in rural locations, but those that know what the rural self reliant character is all about, should stand together as one and peacefully “SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF THOSE IN GOVERNMENT THAT SEEK TO CONTROL THE FREE MAN”.

Quit crying for money neighbours and demand more respect less regulation. Peacefully tell those like McGiveme that could not give a rat’s ass for “backwards hicks” that vote conservative or have libertarian leanings to “F*ck off” for a change.

This story should be an inspiration to all farmers, business owners, actually anyone that believes in freedom, to stand up.

UPDATE: here is a more detailed recollection of the whole standoff

Genuine respect seems to be a conservative quality.

It has been reported under Harper’s watch that flags around our capitol haven’t been lowered to half mast when one of our own has fallen in Afghanistan? They where however lowered to half-mast by the liberals every time a soldier fell except for one?

Is it not our duty as citizens to lower our own “internal flag” when we hear of a soldier’s sacrifice whether it was yesterday or in the conflicts of the past, that at one time helped define who we where as a country? Is it not a small repayment, to stand ready and honour our soldiers, and their commitment to their country? Without the need of a lowered flag?

Do we continually lower our flag for every soldier, or continually keep our awareness of how important our soldiers are and have been to our country and the world? Do we look towards all of our soldiers past and present with equal admiration and thanks daily, or at the very least save a spot in our hearts for their remembrance, and honour them in keeping their worth known in our minds as fighting men that have always fought the good fight?

If it is a duty to lower a flag for the fallen, then all flags in this country should never be raised over half. Why do we need a flag lowered for every life in the present to spike some form of rememberance? Those that have fallen I am sure would rather be respected and honoured as second nature, and have that same respect shown to their fellow troops and families by their government and their fellow citizen’s.

Could it be Canada has a political party that is of the character that has respect for the military, and expects the same from its citizens? Do we finally have a political party that holds the belief that every citizen should be able to recognize the significance of a soldiers sacrifice everyday? After so many years do we have a PM that finds it personally distasteful to patronize a loss common in military service especially in a theatre of war by lowering a symbol shortly? It does not do the deed merit, when the honourable act of a soldier requires so much from those living under the peace and freedom he protected for more than a day. Our character as a country should honesty reflect a soldier’s duty not to die but be honourable, and righteous in the face of adversity and evil.

That I think defines the Canada Harper would like us to be, and many have in their selfishness forgot.

A Good Read

This post is well worth the read.