You know what would prevent accidents in winter, people actually using their brains. That’s becoming a problem though. Why? Well idiots in government love to do the thinking for us. It doesn’t matter I can look at my all season radials which are fairly new (they came with the truck), and add a bit of weight to the back and slow down when I drive when its slippery or the visibility is damn near nil (why go out at all).
Instead we have the master puppeteer and one of his puppets wring their hands with glee thinking that forcing people to buy winter tires will better the world, even if it just saves one life (try to argue that), you can easily though just look around.
I have better things to spend the eight hundred or so it would cost me to put on a set of winter tires. I’d rather sink my money into some form of revolution, never mind saving one life, what about having the freedom to think for yourself ? Shouldn’t that be a staple when it comes to exclaiming you know how to live in the first place?
Not to a modern liberal. They don’t give a shit you have to think for your neighbor or you deserve any credit for being independent and self sufficient. Your reward is to be governed over like a child who is mentally challenged.
When are we going to wake up and silence the utter nonsense spouted from those so high oxygen isn’t getting to their brains?
Never mind all the “climate change” brought about by the manufacture of winter tires for the stupid people, but then again maybe we won’t have winter?