Reading about the foiled terrorist plot, only leads one to believe this country is but a shade of what it was. The cities and their desire for enlightenment that blinds reason and responsibility muddy the waters of reason and fortitude.
I feel sorry for urban conservatives, and classic liberals that reside in the middle of bastions that sleepwalk believing in “Canadian values” manufactured by modern liberalism.
It’s ironic that you find more people expecting to be protected from their own stupidity by government, yet sit on comment boards and talk of the complexity and the grey shades of the problems three tonnes of fertilizer could pose to their backdoor?
They see reason in one ton homemade bombs, yet still want justice served?
They cannot find clarity unless they waste enough time until it shows itself to them rather blatantly. Just watch the MSM complicate the matter while they scratch their heads, its breathtaking.
How did we ever help win two world wars?
How have we even got this far as a country?
Could it be progress in this country when it comes to reality has been downward, the last thirty or so years?
We have become so touchy feely, so guiltless individually when it matters, that as a group we are seen to be people that wring our hands and see sorry as the only answer to terror to make up for it. A terrible weakness.
By group I mean liberals, and socialists that expect to live in a country devoid of any positive values when it pertains to an individual and a real contribution to their country. Well expecting not be bothered by cowardly violence even if it means their values lead to chaos and anarchy, as reason built on clarity and an expected personal responsibility is hard to find in a “solurbian”* mind.
Vigilance it seems when it comes to personal liberty ends at the end of a body part used in sexual gratification, or the end of a spliff. Notice also these same personal freedoms help mask the corrosiveness of reality that has existed since the beginning of man (however he came to be).
The ironic fact sadly is that those that hold on to spoon fed values powerful solurbians have fed to us for so many years, live in the center of a terrorist bull’s-eye, and can’t see the symbiotic relationship they have placed themselves in.
Natural selection is a bitch, I suggest they deal with it.
Solurbian –
liberal or socialist living in an urban center that would rather roll over and die rather than call a spade a spade.